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The vineyard,
its grapes and wines

90 minutes from downtown Montreal, Les Gémeaux vineyard is located in the community of Hinchinbrooke, in the Vallée-du-Haut-Saint-Laurent (Montérégie-Ouest), one of the beautiful regions of Quebec.

The character of the soil and the geographical location of the vineyard are ideal for the cultivation of rustic grapes which are capable of withstanding Quebec’s cold weather – namely the Saint-Pépin, Marquette, Frontenac and Petite-Perle varieties.

Today, the small family business has more than 6,500 well-established vines planted on 4 acres.

Manual and selective harvesting makes it possible to collect the most beautiful grapes and thanks to our modern facilities and equipment, the whole process – from the crushing of grapes, to fermentation and bottling – takes place in a highly controlled environment, resulting in tasty quality wines, without compromise.

All this leading to a production, for 2019, of 5,000 bottles, with a 60/40 sharing of red and white wine.

The vineyard, its grapes and wines

90 minutes from downtown Montreal, Les Gémeaux vineyard is located in the community of Hinchinbrooke, in the Vallée-du-Haut-Saint-Laurent (Montérégie-Ouest), one of the beautiful regions of Quebec.

The character of the soil and the geographical location of the vineyard are ideal for the cultivation of rustic grapes which are capable of withstanding Quebec’s cold weather – namely the Saint-Pépin, Marquette, Frontenac and Petite-Perle varieties.

Today, the small family business has more than 6,500 well-established vines planted on 4 acres.

Manual and selective harvesting makes it possible to collect the most beautiful grapes and thanks to our modern facilities and equipment, the whole process – from the crushing of grapes, to fermentation and bottling – takes place in a highly controlled environment, resulting in tasty quality wines, without compromise.

All this leading to a production, for 2019, of 5,000 bottles, with a 60/40 sharing of red and white wine.

raisins vignoble Les Gémeaux

How the idea was born
for our vineyard

The idea behind Les Gémeaux Vineyard is simple: it all started when Gilles Émond shared with Johanne Lamarche, his spouse and accomplice, his idea of ​​wanting to own a large piece of land to work on.

For Gilles, it was a simple need to return to his sources because at a very young age, he had worked on a farm and this experience has instilled in him a feeling of freedom and space which he remembers to this day.

Johanne, for her part, looked forward to caring for a large track of land, but hesitated between livestock farming or berry plantation. She then had the brilliant idea of ​​suggesting a vinery and wine production as an alternative.

Add to this the fact that Johanne and Gilles are long time lovers of good food accompanied by good wines. And everything has come together in this adventure they called “Vignoble Les Gémeaux”.

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How the idea was born for our vineyard

The idea behind Les Gémeaux Vineyard is simple: it all started when Gilles Émond shared with Johanne Lamarche, his spouse and accomplice, his idea of ​​wanting to own a large piece of land to work on.

For Gilles, it was a simple need to return to his sources because at a very young age, he had worked on a farm and this experience has instilled in him a feeling of freedom and space which he remembers to this day.

Johanne, for her part, looked forward to caring for a large track of land, but hesitated between livestock farming or berry plantation. She then had the brilliant idea of ​​suggesting a vinery and wine production as an alternative.

Add to this the fact that Johanne and Gilles are long time lovers of good food accompanied by good wines. And everything has come together in this adventure they called “Vignoble Les Gémeaux”.

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The idea that becomes
a reality

It was in 2010 that Johanne Lamarche and Gilles Émond came to 766 chemin de la Première concession, in Hinchinbrooke.

Far from being a vineyard, the land they found was more fields and forests, with a small house and a barn that were very much in need of loving care.

But all circumstances being favorable, they decided to embark on this new adventure, without a net or parachute.

Their lack of experience was fully compensated by their passion, as well as their past expertise as successful entrepreneurs.

So, little by little, from agronomist to oenologist and from Wikipedia to Google, Johanne and Gilles metamorphosed into experienced winemakers, planting their first vines in June 2012.

And we can say today that the adventure is in full swing!

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vignoble Les Gémeaux

The idea that becomes a reality

It was in 2010 that Johanne Lamarche and Gilles Émond came to 766 chemin de la Première concession, in Hinchinbrooke.

Far from being a vineyard, the land they found was more fields and forests, with a small house and a barn that were very much in need of loving care.

But all circumstances being favorable, they decided to embark on this new adventure, without a net or parachute.

Their lack of experience was fully compensated by their passion, as well as their past expertise as successful entrepreneurs.

So, little by little, from agronomist to oenologist and from Wikipedia to Google, Johanne and Gilles metamorphosed into experienced winemakers, planting their first vines in June 2012.

And we can say today that the adventure is in full swing!

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Why the name: LES GÉMEAUX?

It’s simple and kind of funny: Johanne and Gilles were both born on the same date, May 26. “But not the same year!” specifies Johanne. And as this date belongs to the astrological sign of Gemini, they thought “Why not?”


Contact us for more information
on the vineyard and its products.

766, chemin de la Première concession
Hinchinbrooke (Québec) J0S 1A0

Telephone: (514) 349-3061



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    766, chemin de la Première concession
    Hinchinbrooke (Québec) J0S 1A0